The German Association of Building Greening “Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG)” has published the first BuGG Market Report on Green Building 2020 in English to present the most crucial available figures on roof, façade and interior greening in Germany. It intends to provide politicians, industry, construction participants, media and all other stakeholders with current figures on the building greening market each year. The various data are mostly based on research and surveys by BuGG, without any claim to completeness. The focus of the figures from the building greening market is currently still on green roofs, for which data collection methods are relatively straightforward and data can easily be gathered from members and by city surveys.
Green building is no longer a niche product. The green building market is growing and is reflected in a large number of projects. Furthermore, green roofs and facades play an important role as climate adaptation measures, especially concerning heat stress reduction and flash flood prevention.
Below are some key figures – many more are described in detail in the market report:
- In 2019, 7,217,720 m² of roof area was greened in Germany.
- In Germany, the total of greened roof area over the years has accumulated to approx. 120,000,000 m².
- There was also about 90,000 m² of façade area greened in 2019.
- Munich leads the BuGG Green Roof National League with 3,148,043 m² of green roof area.
- Stuttgart leads the BuGG-Green Roof National League, based on the green roof index (square meters of green roof per inhabitant), with 4.1 m² of green roof per inhabitant.
- The average green roof index is 1.2 m².
Concerning cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants:
- 26 cities or 24% promote green roofs and façades and provide subsidies.
- 72% support green roofs indirectly by reducing the stormwater fee if green roofs are present.
As an additional service, the market report includes an industry directory that lists more than 50 companies and associations as green building experts.
The BuGG Market Report on Green Building 2020 comprises 29 pages and contains over 45 graphics, photos and tables and is available as a free download at
Dr. Gunter Mann
Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e. V. (BuGG)
Albrechtstraße 13
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 / 40 05 41 02
Telefax: +49 681 / 98 80 572
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[…] more than 1 million square meters of green roofs installed by 1989. By 2019, greenery would cover roughly 120 million square meters of German roof […]