Image: Amy Joslin Memorial Ecoroof at the Multnomah Building, Portland, OR. Photo: City of Portland BES

Would You Like to Write for

Submit your article! We receive a lot of great info about a variety of topics from readers – tidbits and sometimes more elaborate. We’d love to hear from you, and so would our international readership.

Please follow our guidelines and do not send any information that may infringe on any copyrights.


Ask yourself, Will our community be eager to read this? Is it environmentally interesting, important, funny, or thought provoking? Does it relate to living green architecture or green infrastructure?

Contribute to to share your ideas, experiences, current events, opinions, and project-focused stories with Connecting the Planet + Living Architecture.

Write for

Private residence greenroof in Bnei Zion, Israel. Image: Eyal Mirelman, BLDVG


Anyone working, researching or studying in our field or related disciplines from around the world may submit articles that are NOT overtly product or company-oriented.

No press releases, infomercials or advertorials, please! See Advertise if you’d like to join the Directory and promote your business with Press Releases, etc.

Also, we accept contributions from readers/bloggers who craft creative posts of living architecture projects as seen on architecture/landscape architecture sites such as designboom, ArchDaily, dezeen, AD, Landzine, etc. Check with Linda Velazquez, Publisher, first.

Please DO NOT send general “green” unrelated pitches as they will not be answered!


We’re looking for original content from within a wide array of sustainability categories in design and implementation that embrace the field of living architecture, but not too general.  Since we have a pretty sophisticated audience here at, send articles more on the specific side.

Good examples are projects you’ve visited or articles/videos you came across; what’s going on in your city or country with upcoming events, policies, research, etc.; people and organizations who are working in the sustainable design field; commentary on green case studies; examples of best practices; or media happenings in general.

Specifically, you can write about anything related to green infrastructure on a macro or micro scale or somewhere in between. Tell us about living architecture located in, on, or inside a building or site with projects in any phase of construction including the design phase, current, built, proposed, or visionary.

Here are some possible categories for you to consider including, but certainly not limited to:

Greenroofs, greenwalls, interior greening, building integrated greenery, sponge parks, biodiversity, urban ag, biophilia, biomimicry, low impact development, climate change, stormwater management, recycling, living architecture amenity space, economic advantages, net-zero water and energy, biosolar, bioclimatic architecture, carbon-neutral designs, renewable energies, ecosystem benefits, etc.

Write for

Bosco Verticale, Milan, Italy. Image: Laura Gatti

What’s in It for Me

Aside from contributing to our collective international knowledge base and sharing your thoughts and passions, you can promote yourself to our industry through exposure and recognition.

Perhaps you’re “just” a peer – no one is “just” anything! We all have experiences which can inspire others – let’s see what you have to say.

Are you an “expert?” Careful, as we are all learning everyday, but we certainly want you to share your particular expertise!

Perhaps you are a government catalyst, industry virtuoso, organization veteran, or just plain thought leader? Let’s hear from you and tell us what you’re doing to advance living architecture and green infrastructure!

Start branding your name as a contributor and build your professional network of followers.

In any case, you can elegantly and subtlety promote your own brand in the Author Bio which can include one link to your company/organization/entity and your contact info.

Write for

The Republik Building/Xero Flor America HQ Green Roof, Durham, NC; Image: Xero Flor America


Send me your pitch or article in Word, TXT, or RTF (no PDFs) to, and/or call (770)772-73 or (888) 477-1326. If you are particular regarding photo placement, mark it specifically within the article and number photos accordingly. Include image locations when possible, and credits always.

Please send hi-res images and video links in a variety of ways including zip file, using a high file transfer service, etc. The more, the better. No one wants to read a bunch of words going on and on about some vague architectural philosophy pertaining to culture and the evolution/decline of man without some interesting photos to break it up!

Minimum pixel width is 1200 and maximum is 1600 – but the Featured Image MUST be 1200 pixels wide and with a landscape orientation.

And, send a short Author Bio with photo. Here you can tell us a bit about what you do, your company, etc., along with a link.


By submitting images, you agree to provide unrestricted use of this digital image, in print and electronic formats, with appropriate credit as specified. You represent and warrant that you have the full right and authority to grant the rights herein granted, that all the necessary releases have been procured, and that no one else’s permission is required. is not responsible for unauthorized photo submissions.

Please read the “Terms of Use” section for more details regarding disclaimers of endorsement and liability.

Write for

Put Your Experience in Front of the Greenroof & Greenwall World

If you have any questions about an article idea or if you feel it is a bit different or radical (good for you!), just pitch it to us.

Please be clear and concise, edit and spellcheck your work! If English is not your native tongue, please let us know. But we will still not publish poorly written work.

Absolutely no AI-generated articles will be tolerated. Images and graphics are fine as long as it is clearly stated.

Include relevant references and websites; if you are lifting someone else’s work, put it in quotes and state the source. When referencing an article or other post, it’s not considered polite to paste the entire story (not to mention legal in terms of copyright issues). You can post a summary or the first paragraph (40 words), then include a link to the rest of the story. Be creative and summarize in your own words!

Let’s create a closer world by sharing your thoughts with us across geographical boundaries.

We hope you’ll join our team of collaborators and contribute to!

Send to Linda S. Velazquez, ASLA, LEED AP, GRP: