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Our April 2024 Newsletter is Out! Happy #EARTHDay! Plant a Roof, Wall, Garden or Park with #LivingGreenArchitecture + more…

on April 22, 2024 at 1:51 pm under , , , , , , , , , , ,

Happy Earth Day 2024! Plant a Roof, Wall, Garden or Park with Living Green Architecture

As we commemorate World Earth Day, let’s acknowledge it isn’t just a one-day wonder, but a powerful reminder of our interconnected physical systems, our biological life on our planet: human, flora, fauna, and even mineral. The urgency of our climate-challenged world is dictating the design of our built environment with nature-based solutions of resiliency, biophilic schemes, and progressive approaches. Let’s unite to reverse global warming, reduce our environmental impacts, and build a net zero future through ecological design with living green architecture and green infrastructure.

Please let us know what else you’d like to read about on in 2024
~ we’re always open to new contributors, too!

Join us at to share your stories and experience by growing our ever-increasing Projects Database, now with over 1,800 Project Profiles. A free industry resource, we add them from designers and stakeholders and verified published accounts from all over the globe. New Project Category: Sponge Parks. Have you seen our current Featured Project: Nanchang Fish Tail Park in China? Our first Sponge Park Project Profile, it was designed by landscape architect Dr. Kongjian Yu, the world’s preeminent sponge park and sponge city designer.

Are you lucky to be going to Porto, Portugal on May 23-24 for the Nature Based Solutions Summit: Urban Edition? Make sure you don’t miss Kongjian Yu of Turenscape! On May 24 he will be presenting a MASTERCLASS on Nature-based Infrastructure for Resilient Cities. Their Early Bird Ticket special runs through 26th of April – take advantage.

We hope you continue enjoying Earth Month – fittingly, also World Landscape Architecture Month – by getting out into nature and (re)discovering our shared connections.

Link to the newsletter here:

Read more: Our April 2024 Monthly Newsletter is Out!


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