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Why You Should List Your Business in Our Directory: More Traffic, More Leads, More Business!

on August 16, 2023 at 2:36 pm under , , , , , , , ,

We’re excited to offer new Directory Advertisers a very special – and for the first time ever – a 10/20/30% tiered promotion

Advertising on is a unique opportunity to reach a global audience in a creative and compelling way. We are passionate about advancing the industry as the most open and comprehensive online media for greenroofs, greenwalls, and related fields promoting best practices in sustainability, living green architecture and green infrastructure.


Take advantage of your dedicated presence on the Directory, the go-to source for all things greenroofs & greenwalls and showcase your business in a trusted context. Increase revenue by generating more quality leads and prospects through our online search.

More Traffic, More Lead, More Business!

For more information about getting your company listed in our Directory, request a copy of our Media Kit by contacting us at 770-772-7334 or 888-477-1326, Ext.3 or by emailing us at
This Summer Sale 2023 (12-month subscription offer) ends on 9/15/23!

Benefits of Getting Listed in our Directory

Data Point for search engines
Search engines like Google and Bing never only rely on the data provided by business owners. They surf the internet continuously to index relevant information. When they have adequate information about a business only then it shows up on SERP (search engine ranking page). A directory website works as a data point for search engines as they provide relevant information about a business.

More traffic for your business
Consumers go to directory websites when they want to buy a new product or service which is unfamiliar. If a business is listed in a directory, it gets new visitors who are previously unaware of the company. Also, directory websites generally have a higher search engine ranking. Therefore, it redirects the visitors to the products or services they are searching, thus relevant business gets traffic if they get listed in a directory site.

Branding on behalf of businesses
A directory always prompts the businesses that are listed on its website. It promotes on different marketing channels like a  newsletter, social media, and press releases. So, if businesses get listed on a directory site, they will enjoy additional branding without spending extra money. Many businesses are adopting this passive branding strategy these days.

Boundless SEO benefits
Listing to a directory website grants many SEO benefits. Businesses get numerous backlinks from a top-performing domain and other compound benefits associated with the Company Profile within the directory. Furthermore, local SEO ensures that search engines favor directory listings to attract immensely focused customers.

Source: Directorist

Architects, Building Owners, City Planners, Landscape Architects, Engineers, etc., search for businesses, products, services & projects, and request information directly from our Directory to assist in their projects.

Top 5 easy ways to leverage to increase traffic to your website:

Get Your Company Listed in the Directory
This will make sure that your products & services are well represented when buyers begin their search on

Write a Press Release
Press releases are one of the most effective ways to generate interest to your company.  When you send us a press release, we post it on our Homepage, Directory Profile, Press Releases page and its Content pages (search engines crawl and collect information from all our Content pages) and we also post it on all our Social Media sites.

Submit a Guest Feature Article
How about submitting a Guest Feature Article about one of your projects, research or industry work? The length of the Guest Feature is pretty much up to you, as it is referenced on the Home Page but then hyperlinks to its own page.  The more detailed, the better, and please include a lot of photos, graphics, and hyperlinks.  The tone of the Guest Feature is how we did it, why, who was involved, materials used, etc.  It is not an infomercial or advertorial, please – we keep content and advertising separate.

Submit Your Project
We also suggest that you share your work with the world and Submit Your Project information to the Projects Database. We’re up to 1,800+ profiles and counting. Only then can we select one as a Featured Project, where we create a post and video about it; send a dedicated eBlast to our ~10,000 opt-in subscribers; and highlight it on our site plus on all our Social Media sites, and also include it in our newsletter.

Get Active in Social Media
Stay on top of all the news & events about our industry by joining and contributing to the greenroof and greenwall community in all our Social Media sites: TwitterFacebookLinkedIn GroupLinkedIn CompanyYouTube Channel, and Pinterest.


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