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For more info on the Minnetrista Green Roof, visit the Minnetrista website. Learn about the LiveRoof modular system in The Greenroof Directory here.
The installation of the Minnetrista Green Roof is located on the west limestone arbor arm of the main museum building. The purpose of the greenroof installation is to establish a demonstration extensive green roof system to be used as a model and educational tool for both businesses and homeowners. The intent was to use a low maintenance (extensive) plant material that was easy to install. It needed to be easily visible to the public and have year-around interest.Minnetrista is also using this installation as a test to see if this is a viable solution for the museum building main roof structure. A 16K grant was awarded by the Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District through grants awarded to their White River Watershed Project. McGuff Roofing Professionals, Roofers Local 205 Union, and SA Boyce Corp all donated or discounted labor and materials that made this installation possible.
The greenroof company utilized was LiveRoof, LLC, based in Spring Lake, MI. We purchased their 1×2 modular tray system pre-grown with their evergreen sedum mix. The tray and soil depth is 4? of LiveRoof engineered soil. It cost approximately $29 per square foot. It took eight hours with four people on the roof and support staff transporting materials to install. Staff and community experts spent one year to plan, coordinate, and implement the installation, as well as the interpretative signage and kiosk. Data collecting equipment was purchased through Fondriest Environmental Monitoring Products. The equipment will collect and allow us to share with the public quantity of rain fall, the amount of water flow off the roof, and the roof temperature. The same data is being collected on the east museum arbor arm roof (opposite the greenroof arbor arm) that is gravel ballast. The intent is for this east roof to provide a control for comparison data. This is a demonstration project that can engage the museum visitor, however this type of installation does not allow Minnetrista to benefit from potential energy savings.