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Greenroof & Greenwall Directory Company of the Week for July 3, 2014: Bioroof Systems

on July 7, 2014 at 9:36 pm under

New feature on!

Our Greenroof & Greenwall Directory Company of the Week is an exclusive benefit for companies listed in our Directory, highlighting their business to our audience of stakeholders, professionals, and decision makers:


Bioroof Systems Inc.

Bioroof Systems Inc. is a truly North American solution for the green roof market-place, carrying the ideals of a robust environmental philosophy throughout our green roof solution.

Bioroof-LogoBioroof was born out of the experience of one of North America’s leading green roof installers.  Bioroof systems are designed for biodiversity, storm water retention, reduction of urban heat island effect, and reduced energy consumption.

The Eco-System is a high performance built up system.  The new Bio-Module modular system offers both a Shortgrass option that boasts the highest storm-water retention capability in the industry, while the Sedum option follows the well known FLL guidelines.  Finally, the Bio-System offers a low cost built up vegetated roof.

We’ve consulted top North American building scientists to ensure our system is compatible with sound roofing practices, yet flexible enough to cover a wide variety of roof types.

Our national Certified Installer Program provides fully trained contractors that are well versed in the techniques of installation and maintenance.

Superior systems means we also offer a superior warranty.  Most green roof system manufacturers will warranty the components and (sometimes) vegetation for one year.  Bioroof offers full warranty coverage including labor, materials and vegetation for the life of the roofing membrane on roofs maintained by a Bioroof Certified Installer.


For more detailed information about Bioroof Systems, please visit their company profile in The Greenroof & Greenwall Directory.

In addition to the eNews blast to our 10,000+ opt-in subscribers, we have created a prominent position on the Homepage for this weekly spotlight as well as posted on all our social media sites…  And, the centerpiece of this premier feature is the original video!  This exclusive video (about 2:00 min.) of each firm is also included inside their company profiles – see below.  For additional exposure, these videos will also be playing on various playlists in our GreenroofsTV channel on YouTube.

Would you like to have your company featured as Company of the Week?  First, you have to be listed in The Greenroof & Greenwall Directory at either the Sponsor, Elite, or Premium advertiser level.

Get Listed! Join The International Greenroof & Greenwall Directory.

Please check out our Advertise with Us page or contact us at email: or phone: 888-477-1326.

If you want to get found, you have to be listed!

~ Linda V.

