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Spire is located at 860 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30308. Learn about the Spire Midtown condo development on their website and read more about Erth Products in The Greenroof Directory.

On Peachtree at 7th Street in Atlanta, the luxury development is a “symphony of glass and steel topped with a dramatic spire.” Spire, a 28-story building, includes 388 brilliant residence condos and 21,500 square feet of street-level retail space. A sleek addition to the Midtown skyline, Spire residents can take advantage of the concierge, fitness center, and the greenroof, or “resort terrace,” with “sun lounges,” the stunning poolside clubroom and bar. Green walls adorn the fa?ade, too .Erth Products installed 650 cubic yards of Intensive Lightweight Soil in May, 2005.


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