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Visit the Saul Nurseries website. Bobby and Kathy Saul also built a pool pump shed greenroof on their personal property – see it here.

Learn about Stalite Environmental in the Directory.

Saul Nurseries in Atlanta and Alpharetta, Georgia, have supplied thousands of plants for area greenroofs, both extensive and intensive, including the Atlanta City Hall. The owners wanted to install a small test greenroof to trial appropriate plants for the hot, humid climate.

In August 2003 an existing small 8 x 6.5′ shade shelter was reinforced to hold the load of the 4″ growing substrate. The substrate consists of ItSaul Natural products including the Mr. Natural Liteweight Soil Mix, Hen Manure Compost, PermaTill expanded slate, and a small amount of coarse sand.

Various succulents are being trialled; the sedums include: Sedum tectractinum, S. album ‘Murale’, S. album ‘Jellybean’, S. kamtschaticum, S. makinoi ‘Limelight’, S. rupestre Angelina, S. sexangular, S. grisebachii, and the native Sedum ternatum. Delospermas include: Delosperma Kelaidis Mesa Verde, D. ashtonii, D. cooperi, and D. nubigenum. There are also various species of sempervivums and jovivarbas. The plants are flourishing and a neighboring clematis vine even put down roots.


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