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Additional Resources

For additional info, please contact Stephan Brenneisen, Dr. phil Geograph, Hochschule Waedenswil Fachbereich Naturmanagement FACHSTELLE DACHBEGRUENUNG, Gruental, Postfach 335, CH- 8820 Waedenswil, Tel: ++41(0)1 789 99 29, Fax: ++41 (0)1 789 99 40, email:; or Nathalie Baumann, Dipl. BioGeografin, email:

The Rypark in Basel, Switzerland, is located adjacent to the Rhein River over the Restaurant Rypark but within a walled environment meant to keep the public out, but open to the scientific community. The “Trockenbiotop” or Dry Meadow Biotope is set within a sandy gravel substrate and is a test site for biodiversity.

Aramis and Linda Velazquez joined a city tour in September 2005 led by Nathalie Baumann, Dipl. BioGeografin, and after scaling the 5′ high wall, found a wild mixture of woody flowering shrubs, native grasses, sedums, thyme, perennials, graffitti and even bird wings.


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