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Download a project description poster (pdf) from the University of Oklahoma. For additional info on the National Weather Center Experimental Green Roof, please contact Thomas Woodfin, MLA PhD Professor, Landscape Architecture Division, University of Oklahoma, Division of Landscape Architecture, 830 Van Vleet Oval, Norman, OK 73019 or 405.325.2299 and

Read the April 23, 2010 Green roof unveiled at OU by Aaron Wright in The Norman Transcript and the April 23, 2010 OU center sprouts first green roof from

As green roofs are increasingly implemented in the semi-arid North American plains new applications of the technology will be required for contextualization. These climate conditions may alter the standard performances of green roof systems. Therefore, we initiated an interdisciplinary research project aimed at investigating the ecological performance of green roof systems and their impact on the surface energy balance.

Primary investigation areas include plant performance, changes in the radiation balance, cooling efficiency for various climatic conditions, and impacts on building daylighting. These studies will commence in 2010 and continue for three years. Results will be disseminated in public and academic forums.

The National Weather Center Experimental Green Roof contains 1500 s.f. of extensive (4″ and 8″) roof. Installed April 2010, plants used consist of Sedums with an over-seeding of native grassland plants. Irrigation was used in establishment and as an experimental variable.


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