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Learn about D.C. Greenworks’ other current and completed greenroof projects here.

Completed on June 1, 2001, the Matthew Henson Park Greenroof was the first public greenroof in Washington, D.C. Built in 2001 as part of a D.C. Greenworks training program with Earth Conservation Corps youth, the greenroof is part of a larger LID demonstration that set an important precedent in the city so that others might study and adopt the technology on their own roofs.

The greenroof was built with materials donated by Enka, Sarnafil, and Greenroof Plants. We hoisted the materials to the roof using a front-end boom loader, and installed everything with the help of the Earth Conservation Corps youth and other volunteers. Two clerestoreys were also greenroofed so that you might see part of the greenroof from the ground level.


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