Additional Resources
L’Oasis d’Aboukir is located at 40 Rue Des Petits Carreaux-83 rue d’Aboukir, Paris, France. Visit L’Oasis d’Aboukir on Facebook. See the L’Oasis d’Aboukir Vertical Garden case study from Patrick Blanc.
L’Oasis d’Aboukir (The Oasis of Aboukir) is a 5-story vertical hydroponic garden wall known by the designer as “A Hymn to Biodiversity.” Designed with over 7,600 individual plants from 237 different species by Patrick Blanc, the lush greenwall took about 6 weeks to complete.
Because of the colorful vegetated wall, the outdoor public space located in the second arrondissement in Paris has become somewhat of a tourist attraction, with its own Facebook page (see below).