Additional Resources
Learn all about Green Living Technologies (GLT) in The Greenroof Directory here. Read about these companies involved in the Granville Street Rooftop Patio here: Canada Line:; Gossamer Threads:; TBWAVancouver:; Deecorp Properties:; and learn more about the Granville Street Rooftop Patio’s Green Living Roof and Green Living Wall from Streamline Enterprises:
This rooftop patio was a very exciting and high-profile project for Streamline Enterprises, at the foot of the new Canada Line in Vancouver, B.C. A joint venture between Gossamer Threads, TBWAVancouver, and Deecorp Properties, the rooftop includes both a 2,000 sf Green Living Roof and 200 sf Green Living Wall. To be utilized by employees for lunches, barbeques, and social gatherings, this space creates an incredibly lush retreat in the heart of the Downtown core. It was designed, engineered, managed, and installed by Streamline Enterprises, with some assistance from our network of Green Living Technologies Certified Installers.