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Read “A Garden In The Sky: A Sloping Garage Roof Becomes An Elevated Landscape” in the by Debbie Cafazzo here. Visit the hadj Design website here, and contact greenroof designer Patrick Carey at phone: 425.482.9763 or email:

Homeowner Vivian DeZwager had agreed to sacrifice much of her backyard gardening space so her husband Joe Maplethorpe would have a place for his woodworking hobby, but then realized she could have also have a garden with plants to draw a picture. She imagined a pastoral scene: a tree with generous branches, supporting a garden swing, the sun?s rays shining down. “DeZwager planted succulents on the roof and created a design using plants and broken ceramic and terra cotta pieces as mulch. When fully grown, the plants will form a picture of a sun-dappled tree and its branches,”(Cafazzo, 2008 – see below). Among other drought tolerant plants, the homeowner selected succulents such as hens-and-chicks, sedums and ice plants.


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