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Read about the University of Florida’s first greenroof in the Gainesville Sun’s “Going green: UF plants garden that spans entire rooftop” by Nathan Crabbe of March 28, 2007 here.

A $22,000 grant from the Florida Department of Transportation is helping fund the Charles R. Perry Construction Yard greenroof at the University of Florida. The 5-inch deep greenroof covers an amphitheater next to Rinker Hall, home of UF’s School of Building Construction. A dozen species of native Florida vegetation includes dune sunflower, tropical sage and gopher apple.The roof will be monitored to determine its benefit in reducing pollution in stormwater runoff by Sylvia Lang, a UF soil and water science doctoral student, Mark Clark, a water-quality specialist with the UF extension, and Glenn Acomb, the landscape architecture lecturer spearheading the project (Gainsville Sun, 2007).


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