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Owner-builder found all information through internet searches and research, with some advice from Weston GreenGrid specialists. Supplied photos by owner.
Owner designed and built the roof deck with a combination of extensive and irrigated intensive planting beds, completed on June 1, 2005. The intent is for private use and enjoyment with active cultivation of vegetable, herb and decorative garden plants. The owner occupies the top-floor apartment of a 95-year-old, four-story, Brooklyn brick row house with private rights to flat roof. Total flat roof area is 1200 square feet. 180 sq. ft. planting area and the roof deck and walkways occupy around 300 sq. ft. The building is in a Brooklyn residential neighborhood with elevation and exposure affording a spectacular view from the roof of lower Manhattan and New York Harbor.
Planting trays are Weston GreenGrid 2×4-foot modules, eight 4-inch and thirteen 8-inch deep delivered empty. Planting medium is a mix of Stalite Permatill expanded slate, perlite, vermiculite and compost, approximately 24 lbs./sq.ft. dry. Composting bin for household food scraps on the roof.8-inch intensive modules are planted with common garden vegetables, kitchen herbs, wildflowers, and some perennial flowers. Drip tape irrigation with auto-timer from semi-permanent, detachable garden hose to indoor water source. Four-inch extensive modules with no irrigation planted with mix of sedums and alliums. Planted surface cost: $13.00/sq.ft.