of writes:
Our colleagues over at IGRA – the International Green Roof Association – have just released their free downloadable 36-page PDF entitled IGRA Guidelines for Green Roofs “Bridging Trades – Safe Section Changeover: Roofing Technology – Vegetation Technology.”
Editors Roland Appl, Wolfgang Ansel, and Sabine Frueh of IGRA say even the best laid greenroof plans can go wrong if the underlying roof is not prepared to meet demands. This issue lead IGRA to develop the new guidelines, “Bridging Trades – Safe Section Changeover: Roofing Technology – Vegetation Technology”:
“The content of the IGRA Guidelines is made up of two main modules:
– A checklist that provides a clear and concise overview of current examination criteria for the roof and vegetation technology interface.
– A commentary volume that provides further explanations and graphic material of all technical terms and questions in the checklist.The guideline is not only designed for Green Roof installers and roofers. It is also designed for architects, planners, and developers who can take advantage of the practical and legal references.” ~ IGRA
At the interface of roofing and vegetation technology, don’t miss reading this thoughtful and extremely informative greenroof resource! The online version of the brochure is available as a free download, just visit www.greenroofworld.com/EN/press.html.
If you have any comments, please send them to the publisher, IGRA at info@igra-world.com or visit www.igra-world.com.
~ Linda V.