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Current Green Roof Trends in Germany (2011)

on December 17, 2011 at 11:43 pm under

Following a recent survey to its member companies, the FBB (German Professional Green Roof Association) estimates that around 8 million m ² new green roofs are installed in Germany every year.  The companies surveyed include manufacturers and planners, merchants and operators, 100 of which are member companies united under the association.

In 2008, extensive green roofs carried about 88% of the green roof market, with intensive green roofs filling in the remaining 12%.

Since then, intensive green roofs have been gaining popularity, with 17% in 2010.  The FBB states that building owners appreciate the benefits of additional amenity spaces. FBB members believe this trend will continue as increasing numbers of underground parking garages receive roof gardens.

“FBB was founded as an open forum for manufacturers and planners, merchants and operators in 1990. The organisation was born from the then-visionary idea of understanding the relationship between nature and constructions not as oppositional, but as an opportunity. Both the green roofing and conventional roofing industries are equally represented.” ~


Editor. 3/2011. Intensivebegrünung steigt bei fast 17%.   Dach+Grün: 6


~ Christine


